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Certificate Course in Yoga

Let us progress in our Yogic journey with this yoga course that make us all yoga teachers. This is a teacher’s training course (Yoga TTC) that can be gateway to become a teacher in yoga. Find out more about this entry-level teacher’s course in yoga

Aim of Certification
The aim is to produce Yoga professionals such that an IYA certified professional will have minimum / basic common standards of Yoga knowledge and expertise irrespective of which institute he or she is certified from. These standards will become the hallmark of Yoga all over the world.

How will it benefit the member?
It is advantageous for individuals to get certified under this scheme of IYA because IYA will maintain a portal on its website detailing the list and individual details of certified Yoga professionals under this scheme. This will provide more job and service opportunities.

What is the Role of Indian Yoga Association?
IYA will provide the Syllabi for the Various Courses and Accredit Member Institutes for conducting the courses.
Certificates once issued by the Member Institutes to candidates on successfully completing the Courses will be permanent. IYA reserves the right to and will conduct audit checks on the Courses to be conducted by the Member Institutes.

Eligibility – 10th Std & 18 Years of Age
Duration – 200 Hours
Practical : Theory = 60 : 40 I.E. 120 Hours: 80 Hours
Minimum Contact Hours = 80% IE. 160 Hours
Practical – Total Contact hours = 96 Hours
Theory – Total Contact Hours = 64 Hours
Fees: Rs 1000 for Indian Nationals / $ 40 for non-Indians
(Please note that the certification fees is different from course fees; course fees is as per norms of the hosting institution)

All about the CCY minimum standards

The 73 Topics, Institutions should cover at least 51 topics (The score should be greater than 51 for the Theory topics of CCY) This would mean upto 22 topics may be institution-specific syllabus.

 Section 1 Philosophy
Indian Philosophy
1. Astika & Nastika Darsanas (Classification and Names of Founders)
2. Common Characteristics of Indian Philosophy
Samkhya Darshana
3. Dualism: Purusa & Prakrti Avidya
4. Names of 25 Tattvas and Tri Gunas
Yoga Darshana (Patanjali Yoga Sutras)
5. Names of 4 Padas
6. The Ashtangas (Bahiranga & Antaranga)
7. Names of Antarayas
8. Names of Vrittis & Klesas
9. Cittaprasadana technique
10. Names of Samadhi states
11. General understanding of Siddhi / Vibhuti
Etymological Meanings & Definitions of ‘Yoga’
Meanings of ‘Yoga ’
12. Yujir-yoge
13. Yuj-samyoga
14. Yuj-samyamne Yuj-samadhi
Definitions of ‘ Yoga ’
15. PYS Def Ch I – S: 2
BG – 2
16. Samatvam Yoga Uchyate;
17. Yogaha Karmasu Kaushalam
Salient features of Indian Culture
Only Names & brief understanding
18. Sanatana Dharma
19. Vaidic Dharma
20. Anekantavada
21. Ashrama Dharma
22. Purusharthas
23. Guru-Shishya Parampara
24. Karma & Law of Karma
25. Dharma
  Section 2 Basic Texts of Yoga
Patanjali Yoga Sutras
26. Over-view of 1st and 2nd Padas
Sutras by heart
27. Definition (Ch:I S-2);
28. Ashtanga Yoga (Ch:II S- 29);
29. Asana (Ch:II S-46);
30. Pranayama (Ch:II S-49)
Hatha Pradipika (HP) & Gheranda Samhita (GS)
31. Brief Understanding of Hatha Yoga
Hatha Pradipika
32. Names of 4 angas
33. Names of 15 Asanas
34. Names of Shat Kriyas Names of 8
35. Kumbhakas
36. Names of 10 Mudras
37. Badhak Tattva / Sadhak Tattva
Gheranda Samhita
38. Names of Saptangas
Bhagavad Gita
39. Name of Author
40. No. of Chapters
41. General Understanding of Karma, Bhakti & Jnana Yoga
42. Meaning of ‘Upanishad’
43. Names of 10 Main Upanishads
44. Meaning of ‘Veda’
45. Names of Vedas
46. Name of Author
47. Basic understanding of Puranas
 Section 3A Anatomy & Physiology: Medical Science & Yoga
A. Anatomy & Physiology as per Medical Science
48. Names of 9 Main Systems and Organs in each system
49. Main Functions of Organs
B. Yogic Anatomy & Physiology as per Yoga
50. Prana and names of 10 Pranas
51. Nadi & names of Nadis
52. Ashta Chakras & Names of Granthis
53. Kundalini
 Section 3B Human Psychology as per Yoga
Personality theories
54. Names and Main characteristics of Tri- Gunas
55. Names of 5 Citta Bhumis
56. Personality as per Samkhya Darsana: Prakrti (Sthula, Sukshma & Karana Shariras) + Purusa;
57. Panchamaya (Panchakosha) theory as already considered in earlier section.
Concept of Mind
58. Names of elements of Antahkarana in Samkhya: Buddhi, Ahamkar & Manas.
59. Concept of Citta in PYS
Life Style Considerations
60. Diet: Mitahar as per HP;
61. Bhagavad Gita: Diet, rest, relaxation, exertion, etc
62. Elaboration of Yogic Life style
Introduction to Ayurveda
63. Meaning of ‘Ayurveda’
64.  Doshas
65. Concept of Health (Swasthya)
 Section 4 Teaching of Yoga
66. Teaching Methods (Instruction; Observation; Demonstration; Correction)
67. Teaching Aids
68. Communication Skills
69. Verbal & Non-verbal
70. Ideal Qualities of Teacher
71. Conducive Environment
72. Safety measures
73. Guideline as regards framework of Professional Practice

The 53 Practices, Institutions should cover at least 42 Practices (The score should be greater than 42 for the Practice topics of CCY) This would mean upto 11 topics may be institution-specific syllabus.

Section 1 SukshmaVyayama / Preparatory Practices / Sandhi Chalana kriya
1 Institution-specific
Section 2 Shuddhi Kriyas
2 Dhauti: Vaman Dhauti; Agnisaar
3 Neti: Jal Neti
4 Tratak
5 Kapalbhati
6 Theoretical Knowledge as regards Basti & Nauli
Section 3 Asanas
Three Meditative Asanas
7 Padmasana
8 Vajrasana
9 Svastikasana
Four Standing Asanas
10 Tadasana
11 Ekpadasana
12 Trikonasana
13 Padahastasana
Three Kneeling Asanas
14 Ushtrasana
15 Marjarasana
16 Shashankhasana
  Six Sitting Asanas
17 Bhadrasana
18 Simhasana
19 Gaumukhasana
20 Vakrasana
21 Parvatasana
22 Paschimottanasana
Five Prone Asanas
23 Bhujangasana
24 Shalabhasana
25 Dhanurasana
26 Naukasana
27 Makarasana
Six Supine Asanas
28 Pavanmuktasana
29 Setubandhasana
30 Matsyasana
31 Uthitapadahastasana
32 Halasana
33 Shavasana
One Inverted Asanas
34 Sarvangasana
Section 4 Suryanamaskar
35 Suryanamaskar (Traditional with 12 Poses) (Can be School- Specific)
Section 5 Pranayama
36 Sectional Breathing
37 Yogic Breathing
38 Nadishodhana
Kumbhakas without Bandhas
39 Suryabhedana
40 Ujjayi
41 Shitkari
42 Shitali
43 Bhramari
Section 6 Mudras
44 Chin / Jnana Mudra
45 Padma Mudra
46 Agochari Mudra (Nasikagra Drishthi)
47 Shambhavi (Bruhmadhya Drishthi)
48 Viparitakarani
49 Mahamudra
Section 7 Mantras
50 Pranava japa
51 Shanti Mantra: Can be school specific
Section 8 Meditation
52 Institution-specific
Section 9 Teaching Practice
53 Institution-specific


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